Steven universe coloring page. The show revolves around a young boy named steven universe who lives in beach city with the pearl garnet and amethyst three magical humanoid aliens.
Happy Father S Day Greg And Baby Steven Coloring Page
Steven universe coloring pages. Steven universe is an american animated television series created by rebecca sugar for cartoon network. As the creator rebecca sugar said she wanted steven to be like her brother a kid showered with attention who didnt want to be just the little brother. View and print full size. Steven universe coloring pages 39. Steven universe coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages to develop creativity focus motor skills and color recognition. Color the chubby hero.
The crystal gems are a team of magical beings who are the self appointed guardians of the universe. Steven universe is an animated tv show developed by rebecca sugar. This beautiful fantastic cartoon explores the world of gems and magic. You will find a variety of free steve universe coloring pages from all the seasons starting with season 1 season 2 season 3 season 4 and more. Steven is a kind caring half gem who is still exploring the perks of being a gem. Steven universe coloring pages by best coloring pages january 29th 2020 join our guardians garnet amethyst pearl and steven while they protect the universe.
Half human half gem hero steven is the little brother of the group.